Cypress Flows: Cypress Creek Project Quarterly Update - May 2019

We hope everyone has been staying safe and dry during these Spring rains! These recent rain events have shown us the importance of smart, environmentally conscious development as we are seeing a heavy increase in runoff throughout the Hill Country. Integration of best management practices and low impact development is crucial for limiting impervious cover and increasing infiltration.

Speaking of best management practices, the Cypress Creek Project team is currently working on a downtown permeable paver project that will be over 2,000 square-feet! Other BMP projects in the works include raingardens for the Woodcreek Golf Course and Wimberley Valley Watershed Association. Both projects are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The Cypress Creek Project team is also continuing to move forward with One Water efforts for the new Wimberley ISD primary school. Final design considerations will be discussed at the June 2019 meeting of Wimberley ISD Board of Trustees. To learn more about these efforts, read our plan located here on the Cypress Creek Project website, under “Other Project Documents”.

Join us for our next stakeholder meeting and workshop on Wednesday, September 4th. The Stakeholder meeting will be from 8:30 - 9:30AM, followed by a Riparian Workshop from 10:00AM - 1:00PM. The Riparian Workshop will have an outside portion the second half, where guides will take you through riparian areas in the Cypress Creek Watershed. Anyone is welcome to attend and learn from Hays County Master Naturalist, local landowners, and Texas Stream Team on the importance of establishing riparian areas. Stay tuned for an agenda!

Please continue reading to learn about what some of our partners are up to, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities. There are many opportunities to get involved in protecting your watershed.